The Deep Silence of My Peace [Pamphlet]
This inspired message is one of the most beloved of all of Joel Goldsmith’s recorded talks. It is both a healing meditation, and a revelation of the Christ presence, the “peace, be still,” available to all seekers of divine wisdom. “From the depth of this inner silence come forth the healing waters. These waters bring everlasting life. Out of the depth of this silence comes the Spirit, which appears as our cloud by day and our pillar of fire by night. Out of the depth of this silence come the safety and the security which always follow the peace that God gives.” Many have turned to this talk in times of sorrow or doubt and have found healing and release. “I do not ask you to believe the signs. I do not ask you to believe, even if you experience a healing; I will only ask you to believe if you feel the Touch within you, the Presence, the Light, the Life.”
[Note: This pamphlet is also Chapter 15 of Collected Essays of Joel S. Goldsmith.]