Contemplative Meditation With Scripture [Pamphlet]
“Contemplative meditation is the preparatory step before pure meditation without words or thoughts and its main purpose it to keep the mind stayed on God … to acknowledge Him in all our ways … so that in quietness and in confidence we may ‘be still and know that I am God.'”
In this invaluable message, Joel Goldsmith guides the reader through the practices of contemplative meditation. Not only does this book outline specific exercises useful for daily life, it reveals that meditation is a way of life that will bring the meditator into the ultimate experience of Oneness with his or her Source. That experience “without words or thoughts” brings peace and spiritual abundance into limitless expression.
“Your having contemplated these truths is the reason there is peace in our midst. You have brought “the peace of God which passeth all understanding.” If there is love here with us, you have brought the love that is without limit. If there is supply you have brought God’s storehouse. All that the Father has is yours, and you have brought it here.”
[Note: This pamphlet is also Chapter 17 of Collected Essays of Joel S. Goldsmith.]