Spiritual Interpretation of Scripture

The Scriptures of the world seem to tell of two powers because they have been  taken literally instead of interpreted in the light of spiritual inspiration.  This has brought about a belief of separation between God and man, and this  sense of duality is the root of all discord. So says Joel Goldsmith in Spiritual Interpretation of Scripture. But, he says encouragingly, when we  interpret Scripture spiritually, the deepest lessons of the Bible by which we  may live are revealed to us. Foremost among these lessons is that God is the  only reality of our being, and our conscious realization of our oneness with  God will make the promises in Scripture real in our experience.

Goldsmith intrigues the reader with the idea that the Bible is not a book  outside of ourselves or a series of events that took place thousands of years  ago. He says, “Scripture is the unfolding of characters and movements or  happenings that are taking place within you – right this minute. Every  biblical experience can be found in your consciousness at some time or  other.” We embody within ourselves every Bible of the world, every  philosophy, character and story, Goldsmith says, and when spiritually  interpreted, these can be understood as states and stages of our spiritual development  and unfoldment.

Working with Bible stories such as Creation, the Exodus, the Ten  Commandments, Ruth and Naomi, and Joseph and his brothers, Goldsmith shows  the reader how these really tell of our own experiences on the spiritual path,  and he reveals the lessons they hold. Addressing the coming of the Messiah, a monumental theme in Scripture, Goldsmith says, “The Old Testament contains  many prophecies of the coming of spiritual man, Messiah, Savior. The belief  is that these prophecies referred to the coming of one particular spiritual  man … but the advent of the Christ is the coming of perfection in you and  me.”

Throughout Spiritual Interpretation of Scripture, Goldsmith offers fresh new meaning to many Bible passages and stories and demonstrates that the  principles found in the Bible are echoed in many other Scriptures of the  world. “These statements in the Bible,” he says, “which really are laws, must  become a very part of our being. They must be realized, not merely declared  or stated; they must become the very fabric of our being, then we can  experience the outward result.