Book Types
The “Classics”
These are books that were written to address a specific topic or range of topics, beginning with Joel’s first book, The Infinite Way.
Books of Lectures
These are books prepared from notes of Joel’s lectures in the years before classes or lectures were recorded.
Books of Letters
Many of the books are an annual collection of Infinite Way Monthly Letters, for the year shown as the original publication date. Some of these were compiled during Joel’s ministry. Following Joel’s transition, Lorraine Sinkler, who had always assisted Joel in the preparation of the Monthly Letter, continued to prepare the Letters, using the vast resources of Joel’s classwork.
These are short essays or reprints of important book chapters prepared by Joel for easy reference and study.
Special Publications
These are books compiled from excerpts from other books or transcripts to address a specific theme, such as The Government of Eden, The Christmas Letters, and The Gift of Love.
Book Covers
When Acropolis Books updated the covers for the Goldsmith books that they publish, they thoughtfully designed the covers to differentiate the types of books.
Books that are “classics” have a classic look. For example:

Books of Lectures use this format:

Books that were compiled from Infinite Way Letters have an inspiring nature photo in the upper area of the cover, with the title on a solid background in the lower area:

All pamphlets are smaller than the books and have consistently formatted covers:

Special publications have covers that reflect the theme of the book:

The Authenticity Seal
Books published by Acropolis have an “authenticity seal” on the front or back cover:

The seal is your assurance that you are getting the authentic version of the book.
Some publishers, who do not hold the legal publishing rights for Joel’s books, are selling their versions of the books, which may have altered text or may be incomplete. Unfortunately, these unauthorized versions are available for sale on Amazon and on other e-retail sites, and they might come up when you search for a Goldsmith title on those sites.
To be sure that you are getting the original, authentic book, look for the authenticity seal on the front or back cover.
You can always find the authentic versions of Joel’s books by ordering directly from our website or from the website sponsored by Acropolis. Or you can use the links to Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Apple provided on our website and on the Joel Goldsmith Books website. These links take you directly to the e-retailer page for the authentic version of the book, whereas if you simply search for a book on the retailer site, the authentic version may not come up in the search. Always check the publisher for a Goldsmith book. If the publisher is Acropolis Books or DeVorss & Company, it will be the authentic version.
Acropolis Books holds the publishing rights to all Joel Goldsmith e-book titles and to all but four print book titles. Collected Essays, Spiritual Power of Truth, Spiritual Interpretation of Scripture, and The Infinite Way are published by DeVorss & Company. At the present time, these four books do not have the authenticity seal on the cover. However, if the book is published by DeVorss & Company or Acropolis Books, it is the authentic version, even if you do not see the seal.